Saturday, May 22, 2010

Giancarlo Flanagan Sushi

I've been looking for an appetizer or snack or salad I can eat on Pork and Lamb day.  This is the day of my rotation plan when I can eat pork or lamb, and have any vegetable in the mustard family--cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, or mustard greens.  Other than yogurt and blueberries, there isn't a whole lot else on the list.  Just rosemary, vanilla and wintergreen.  And I can't even eat ham or bacon or other cured meats as the vast majority of them are cured with a combination of sugar and nitrates/nitrites.

But thanks to a new grocery store discover and a variation of good old coleslaw--I have finally found one! A snack for Day Three of my inconvenient diet. (Now there's a name for a movie, "An Inconvenient Diet".)

Now, you may ask, what the heck is this dish?  Is it fish? No. Is it Irish? No. Is it Italian? Not remotely. But it's good. And its two primary ingredients are cabbage and prosciutto.  Cabbage and Prosciutto Wrap just doesn't sound all that appetizing. But if Anthony Bourdain tasted this mad marriage of flavors, I am sure he'd want to have my baby. So to increase the chances of him trying it, I bring you the world-famous:

Giancarlo Flanagan Sushi

1/2 head of cabbage, cored and thinly sliced
1 4-oz. pkge (8 slices) of prosciutto (I recommend Citerrio Tutto Naturale Prosciutto. The only ingredients are pork and salt)
juice of 1 lime (I'm not supposed to have lime on Day 3, but Jeesh!)
2 drops lemon or orange liquid stevia extract (I used Sweetleaf Valencia Orange.)
1 6-oz. container of plain Greek yogurt
1/2 t salt

Juice the lime into a bowl and put the stevia and salt in the lime juice. Stir to combine evenly.  Mix in the yogurt.

Carefully separate the prosciutto slices, allowing two per person.  If you are at your laptop while you make this and your children are otherwise occupied with Tom and Jerry, then just make them one at a time as you eat them until all eight are gone.  

Anyway, on a normal day, you would allow two slices per person.  On each slice of prosciutto lay about 1/4 cup of cabbage slices across the center of the prosciutto.  Put one dollop (about 2 tablespoons) of the yogurt mixture on top of the cabbage. Roll the prosciutto around the cabbage and yogurt. Refrigerate until ready to serve and eat this the same day you make it.  Remember, there's a good reason God said "Don't eat pork", if you leave it out in the hot sun, it can kill ya! 

The crunch of the cabbage, the creaminess of the yogurt and the sweet, salty, tender proscuitto combine to create a happy, happy palate.

But, seriously, if you actually know anyone named Giancarlo Flanagan--and you might, if you're from the Boston area--then just call these little morsels Cabbage and Prosciutto Wraps.

1 comment:

  1. Note: I don't REALLY want Anthony Bourdain to have my baby. I just think he would find this snack quite interesting. So, Mr. Bourdain, bet you haven't found anything like this in your world travels!
